Miyu: 21y, ptbr/eng, entp, 3w4, sp/so, 359.

MIYU: I most frequently go by Mew and Miyu. Feel free to call me any of these.
MIYU: I'm Brazilian. I consider my English pretty good and near fluent, though, and I'm studying Japanese.
MIYU: My main hobbies are anime, manga and drawing. And yuri, if that somehow counts.
MIYU: My MBTI is ENTP, my Enneagram is 3w4 and my tritype is 359 (3w4 5w6 9w8).
MIYU: I'm a cis gay girl. I don't like making a big deal out of my sexuality though, and if you ever see me using a double venus or something like that in my profiles it's just as a mindless filler.
MIYU: I can be somewhat intimidating but I'm mostly pretty chill. I admit I can be accidentally rude sometimes, though, and rarely not so accidentally at all.
MIYU: In case you want to chat, I just want you to be aware that I may take a while to answer or I might forget altogether. I swear it's almost never on purpose, I'm just very scatterbrained plus sometimes get busy plus some other reasons. Also, I tend to rant/ramble A LOT and I can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, so it's ok to not reply everything I say. It's a bad habit I have trouble reining in.
MIYU: Misc info

MIYU: I'm not as obsessed with VA-11 as this layout might make you think, just thought building a carrd like this sounded fun. Though the fact Jill is pretty relatable for me and that people say I remind them of her influenced me for sure.
MIYU: My waifu is Maki Nishikino, if somehow you don't know that already.
MIYU: Btw, I dislike NicoMaki [and nobody asked but I dislike YohaRiko too] a lot. UmiMaki is blessed and Umi is my wife's girlfriend, I also like most of other Maki ships. Oh, and Edeleth might as well be my OTP.
MIYU: I'm a himejoshi [female yuri fan] but not really a yuri purist, so I occasionally enjoy non-yuri pairings. I don't invest myself much usually, however.
MIYU: Formal/classy clothes are great. Especially if it's a suit and a girl is wearing it. These are the words I preach.
MIYU: I'm aware personality type systems [MBTI, Enneagram, Socionics and others] aren't scientifically reliable and etcetera, but I'm still very interested in them and have my own opinion/views regarding that. Plus, it looks neat on my homepage [that would otherwise be kinda empty]. And yes, I know more about it than the average joe who just tested something on 16personalities and liked the description. But really, I just find them fun.

MIYU: Check out some of my favorite characters here. I-if you want to, baka ><

MULTIMEDIA FRANCHISES: Love Live, Toji no Miko, Revue Starlight [used to care more in the past], Bandori [don't care much about it now though].
MOBAGE: Arknights, Girls' Frontline, Genshin Impact, Dragalia Lost. Haven't played much but I have a mild interest in Granblue too.
FAVORITE GAMES: Ace Attorney, Persona (3, 4 and 5), Fire Emblem (Awakening and Three Houses), Pokémon, VA-11, Kindred Spirits on the Roof, osu!, Stardew Valley.
FAVORITE ANIME: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho, Steins;Gate, Yuru Yuri, Machikado Mazoku, Comic Girls, SSSS.GRIDMAN, Urara Meirochou.
FAVORITE MANGA: Yagate Kimi ni Naru, Hana ni Arashi, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness, Kaguya-sama, Oregairu (LN), Sayaka ni Tsuite (LN), Made in Abyss, Kase-san.
NON-MEDIA THINGS: Astronomy, MBTI, Enneagram, Socionics, Philosophy, Mathematics, Psychology, etc. I also find 95% of things interesting in some level so I enjoy random rants. PSA: I don't know much about at least half of the things I cited, I just mean I'm interested in them.

MIYU: Stuff in multimedia franchises just means it's not exclusively anime or mobage, or at least my interest stems equally from multiple source materials. So I know Pokémon is multimedia as fuck but I basically only consummed the games, for example, while I watched LL's anime and play the mobage too.
MIYU: Also, regarding the manga section. I watched the anime of some of these and do adore it, but I put it in the manga section since I read the manga as well or some other arbitrary reason. I haven't necessarily finished or caught up on on everything there, too.


MIYU: In general, I mostly don't have a written-up DFI because if I dislike you following me too much I'll just softblock or hardblock, simple as that, and I see no need to describe all of my criteria here because it'd take an eternity and I frequently open up exceptions to a few of them. I usually just don't care that much and mostly won't follow back unless your existence and/or follow somehow triggers me too much.

MIYU: A few things are no-nos, though:
DFI: You fit into the standard DFI criteria, so stuff like being homophobic, transphobic, racist... I also have no desire to interact with tradcaths.
DFI: You're a "MAP" or "MAP ally";
DFI: You're a "zoosexual" or a "zoosexual ally";

MIYU: I MAY open very rare exceptions to the following [usually because I know the person already], but these will almost always get a softblock from me or something like that:
DFI: You're an anti or you think fiction equals reality;
DFI: You're excessively political [AKA post about it 24/7];
DFI: You post about LGBT discourse 24/7;
DFI: You post about and seek drama way too much. I'm also not fond of cancel culture at all.


BYF: My follows =/= endorsement. I follow too much people so there's people I don't even see spouting shit in my feed and others I honestly don't even remember why I followed them, especially since a lot of people I followed ~2 years ago. I also have some ironic follows, so to say, because I disagree completely but genuinely find the person hilarious.
BYF: Also, sometimes I don't (soft)block people who fall into my DFI just out of sheer curiosity about how long they last before they themselves decide to unfollow me. I might also try to mess with them.
BYF: I use the -fag suffix.
BYF: I don't guarantee that I'll follow back.
BYF: I livetweet sometimes and I'll only tag spoilers if someone asks.
BYF: I'm very ironic very frequently and joke around a lot, please keep this is mind.
BYF: My Twitter account is RT heavy and I can spam A LOT, feel free to turn off my RTs if you want to.
BYF: I retweet SFW content most of the time but I also do retweet the occasional lewd and more rarely absolutely NSFW content [AKA yuri sex].
BYF: I actively avoid posting and even liking stuff related to drama, politics and discourse.
BYF: Fiction =/= reality.
BYF: I honestly avoid politics and generally don't care at all so this shouldn't be a problem, but I'm a Libertarian if that somehow still bothers you.

MIYU: Just so you know, none of these lists are ordered at all, so yeah, the order is meaningless.

Love Live

Ace Attorney

Toji no Miko




Overall favs